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It's never easy talking about yourself but I'll give it whirl. As you may have guessed, my name is Brandon. I'm a creative mind that loves art, music, sports, and the amazing people I'm so blessed to know. I call Kansas City home and I stay busy by seeing, tasting, and hearing all of the amazing things it has to offer. My love for KC makes traveling that much more fun because I get to come home to place I love. I spend my free time on the baseball field umpiring, on my bike suffering my way up a hill, or enjoying the love of my faithful hound; Rosie. I'm so blessed with amazing people all around me. My friends and family have always believed in me and have inspired me to be the best person I can be. Of course, the love of my life gives me all the more reason to enjoy life and the adventures it has to offer. You'll see Chelsey in a lot of pictures on here and Instagram. Exploring the world is so much more fun when you have a partner to see it with. Please, poke around and make yourself at home!

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I love my home. And when I say I love my home, I mean I love my home. Joe's Kansas City, Bryants, and Jack Stack are my favorite places to eat. Nothing goes better with summer than a Ginger Lemon Radler from Boulevard. I went to school here. I've fallen in and out of love here. This place has seen my greatest successes and my most messy failures. Nothing beats spring time on the Trolley Track Trail or fall when the trees hanging over Ward Parkway change colors. There is so much beauty and romance here. I've won a World Series, MLS Cup, and NCAA Basketball Championship here. I've experienced every high and low a Kansas Citian can go through. Through those high and lows, I'm so pround to say I'm from Kansas City - the city too big for just one state (I grew up on the Missouri side, by the way). You kind of have to be and experience it to understand the lure. If my friends were to describe one thing I love more than almost anything, they'd say my love for Kansas City stands out more than most.


They say that "The world is a book and those that do no travel read but one chapter." As I've grown older, I've become to relish in the beauty of somewhere else - anywhere else.


It's been an interesting series of events when Chelsey and I met. It was only a short amount of time before I knew that I had found, not only a friend I can count on, but a partner I can trust to be my side as I make my way through life. Our goals are the same and our measures of success are identical. She's the perfect travel partner and I honestly couldn't be luckier.


Whether we're lost at the Grand Canyon, walking the National Mall in D.C., or soaking up the sun in Puerto Vallarta; when we found someone to share in life's great adventures we have to winds of wanderlust take the wheel can guid us to our next adventure.

Who knows where we'll go next.

I love music.

I'm constantly listening to it.

Here is a sample of what i enjoy.

I'm always on Spotify.

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